Service Deposits (Prepayments for a Service)

Service Deposits (Prepayments for a Service)

Service Deposits allow your practice to set up an amount that you want to accept during the time of booking. This is applicable for both in practice bookings and online booking. 

Set Up Service Deposits 

  1. Login to any web browser with your AR credentials
  2. Go to the appointments tab
  3. Choose Services
  4. Edit a service or create a new one
  5. Under the section indicated for deposits, enter the amount you will be charging by clicking yes and then adding in the amount
  6. Click save

Collect A Service Deposit 

  1. Login to any web browser with your AR credentials
  2. Go to the appointments tab
  3. Click Create at the top left or click on the specific time slot on the calendar 
  4. Choose In person or Virtual Appointment
  5. Select your clinic 
  6. Select the Services Drop down > Select Service.
  7. If this service requires a deposit you will need to hit accept or waive. 
  8. You will need to enter in the patient's CC details.
  9. Once you complete the booking the card is charged 
Important- the AR user activity log will show if a deposit was waived, and the employee's name that waived it

Locating Deposits in the Wallet 

Once a deposit is completed you will find the funds in the patient's wallet. 
  1. Go to the patients tab and choose a patient 
  2. Click on patient wallet 
  3. Under Dollar Credits you will see the deposit was added- the wallet log will show you the date, time and service that the deposit was for 
  4. In the patients payment history you will see that it is located under invoices. Each service deposit will have "Service Deposit" listed on the invoice in the top right corner. 

Sales Reports for Service Deposits 

Every service deposit will show as a "wallet credit" on the sales reports. 
You can also find patient specific information under the short term liabilty report.