Sign a Chart and Send it to the MD

Sign a Chart and Send it to the MD (Providers Room and MD's Room)

The Provider Room will allow providers to review their charts, and sign off on them, or sign and send them to a MD.
The MD's room will allow the MD to review charts that were sent to them. After reviewing, they are able to apply their signature to the chart.

Important note: only users with Work As Provider turned on in their settings can use this feature. In addition, if you want to send a procedure to an MD, your clinic must have a user set up as the Medical Director

Attach the MD to a User Profile

Log in your AR account via Click on the Settings GearTeammatesUsers, select your name, Edit, and then scroll down. Select Yes for MD Consent Required? and then below it, choose the name of the MD.
Important note: Before signing off on charts, make sure this step is done first. 

Sign a Chart or Sign and Send to MD

From the control center, head to the "Providers Room"
  1. Click the checkbox on the left side to select one or multiple charts.
  2. Next, in the action box via the top right, select what you would like to do:
    1. You can "sign and mark as consult". If you choose this, the chart will indicate that it was a consult when it is shown in the MD's room. This will send a chart to the MD.
    2. You can select "sign".  This will not send the chart to the MD. This will only apply your signature.
    3. "Sign and Send to MD" will apply your signature and send to the MD's room.

NOTE: If an MD is not associated with your user profile, your options will not include sending to MD

Unsend Charts Sent to the MD

To unsend charts sent to an MD, navigate to Provider's Room
1. Click on Sent to MD
2. You will be presented with a list of charts that you have previously sent to the MD.
3. To unsend one or multiple charts at the same time, click on the box on the left side
4. hit Unsend
5. Click on Confirm.

Sign Charts as the Medical Director inside the MD's room
  1. Click on MD's room at the top.
    1. Make sure you are designated as a medical director inside AR by going to Settings Gear, Teammates, Users, find your name, and then verify that your role is a medical director.  If you are not a medical director, you will not have access to the MD's room.
  2. You can click directly on the procedure to view the information.
  3. Click the checkbox on the left side to select one or multiple charts.
  4. Click sign in the top right.
  5. Once you have signed, you can also view past signed procedures at the top.