Stock Management and Lot Numbers

Stock Management and Lot Numbers

Through your inventory section on the web, you can manage your stock levels for your services, retail products and medical supplies.

Managing Stock For Services

To manage the stock for a service follow the steps below:
  1. Click Your Inventory
  2. Select Product
  3. Click on Traceability > Toggle on Lot number and expiration
  4. Click Options, then View Batches
  5. Click +Add at the top right corner to enter in a new Batch ID/Lot #, Expiration date, Stock amount and Cost to Company
    1. For Toxins you will track the stock and Cost to Company per unit
    2. For Fillers you will track the stock and Cost to Company per syringe
If you needed to edit an existing batch you will start by clicking Options, this will give you selections to choose from:
  1. Click Add/Remove will allow you to adjust existing stock levels in the Batch
  2. Clicking Cost to Company will allow you to edit the price for that Batch
  3. Clicking Stock Transfer will allow you to move Inventory from one location to the other 

Managing Stock For Retail/Medical Supplies

  1. To add new Inventory Stock
  2. Click Your Inventory
  3. Select Product
  4. Click on Traceability
  5. Toggle on Stock and Inventory and Stock per Clinic
  6. Enter the Cost to Company per product, the Stock amount and the low Stock Alert
To add to existing Inventory Stock 
  1. Click Options
  2. Add
  3. Enter Stock/Cost to Company