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Booking by Rooms in Aesthetic Record

If you have designated rooms that need to be reserved for specific services, using resources can help streamline your booking process.

Updated over 5 months ago

1. To add a resource, begin by selecting the Appointments tab on the web.

2. Navigate to the Appointment settings wrench and choose Smart Configuration.

3. Then, select Other Resources.

4. Here is where you can choose to manage your equipment or your resources. Select Resources to add a room.

5. Click Add Resource.

6. Give your room a title, assign it to a clinic, then select the resource type. If you have not added resource types yet, you can select the blue Add Resource button on the right.

7. Next, you need to give a schedule to your room. If this is a shared room, then you can limit it to the true availability of the room. If this room is always available, then make the schedule open all day, every day.

8. You can use the double boxes on the right to easily copy your schedule to each day of the week as needed.

Tip! When booking, the availability is first dependent on the provider, THEN it will look at the room/resource availability. So, if the room is open but the provider is not, the appointment cannot be booked.

9. Then, hit save!

10. Now, add your room to your service. Select Services on the menu above.

11. Select the service you want to add to.

12. Scroll down to Select Resources and from the dropdown, make your selection.

13. Then, be sure to Save your updates!

Tip! You can also make verticals to view your calendar by rooms. Please see the steps below if you are interested!

14. Navigate to Verticals then select the blue Create on the right side.

15. Give your vertical a name, clinic, color (this will show on the calendar), and select the services that will go in the vertical. Keep in mind, a service can only be in ONE VERTICAL at a time. Now, select Save.

Tip! If you select "Exclude Vertical from Primary Clinic URL", this service will not show on your main booking page. So, be cautious if you do not want to remove these services!

16. Navigate back to the Appointments tab at the top of the screen. On the calendar, select Verticals from the dropdown to view the calendar in vertical view!

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