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FAQ: Simple and Multiscale Questionnaires, and Consents in AR
FAQ: Simple and Multiscale Questionnaires, and Consents in AR

Frequently asked questions about building and managing Simple & Multiscale Questionnaires, and Consents in AR.

Updated over 4 months ago

FAQ: Simple and Multiscale Questionnaires, and Consents in AR

Q: How do I add both Multiscale and Simple Questionnaires to a service for booking?
A: When creating a service through the Web > Smart Configuration, add both types in the questionnaires section. No need to designate them as Cosmetic or Health.

Q: Can I still have a patient sign all consent forms at once?
A: When conducting procedures on the Provider App, if multiple consents need to be signed you can click "Edit" in the upper right hand corner, then "Sign All". If you are signing consents on the Web, please note Sign All is not a function at this time.

Q: Can I delete required paperwork from a procedure?
A: Required paperwork assigned to services built through Smart Configuration cannot be deleted but can be bypassed using Mark on File.

Q: What does Mark on File mean?
A: It indicates that paperwork has been accounted for outside of the current procedure. It is notated on the document list indicating that while this consent or questionnaire isn't completed, a prior version has been completed.

Q: How does Mark on File impact the Provider's or MD's Room?
A: When sending a chart to the Provider's Room or signing and sending to the MD, the paperwork not be flagged as missing. Although the document will not be attached to the procedure, it will bypass the red X.

Q: If I mark paperwork as "On File," will the prior document attach to this procedure?

A: No, if you select "Mark On File" in lieu of completing the paperwork, it will not be attached to this procedure in the Document Repository or on the timeline. You will need to locate that document individually in the Document Repository if you need to review it.

Q: What should I do if a patient’s consent requires a witness signature?
A: Consent remains incomplete until both patient and witness signatures are captured.

  • If the patient completes their Consent through their Portal prior to their visit, it will be labeled as "Awaiting Witness Signature" from the Patient's end.

Q: If one user Marks paperwork on File, can another user unmark it?
A: Yes. Any user can mark or unmark paperwork on file, and this action will show as a user activity through the web.

Q: How can I ensure I don’t miss any required paperwork on iOS?
A: Check the symbols beside each item— a blue checkmark signifies completion, while a red box or red X indicates it’s still incomplete.

Q: How can I ensure I don’t miss any required paperwork on Web?
A: Check the symbols beside each item— a checkmark signifies completion, while a pencil icon or red X it’s still incomplete.

Q: What does Answer Yes to All/ Answer No to All mean when completing questionnaires?

A: This will allow for quick answering if multiple or all questions are the same answer choice. This only applies to Yes/No question types, multiple choice will still need to be answered independently.

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