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Adding, Editing & Deleting Provider Schedule Templates
Updated over a week ago

1. To start building recurring schedule templates for yourself or a teammate, start at the Appointments tab.

2. Navigate to the Appointment settings wrench and choose Smart Configuration.

3. Click on the Provider who's schedule you wish to update.

4. Notice two new icons: Date Override is a custom date scheduled outside of the regular template. It is denoted by a calendar icon. Regular Schedules denote a recurring template and is represented by two looping arrows. You will notice this icon on any day that is part of your template.

5. For Providers with more than one clinic, they can view their schedule individually or all together. The corresponding Regular Schedules and Date Overrides will display based on which view is chosen.

6. To get started, click Add Template.

7. Name your template & chose your preferred clinic. You can choose the desired start date, and by clicking Repeat Indefinitely, the template will go on without a stop date.

8. If you want to put a stop date on your template, deselect Repeat Indefinitely, and chose the end date.

9. To start building your schedule, click on the first day.

10. Add your preferred hours & the types of appointments you will see (In Person, Virtual or All Appointment Types) during that block.

11. To add more than one time block per day, click the + button.

12. To copy this schedule to other days of the week, click the copy icon.

13. Select the days in which you want to duplicate this schedule, and click Apply.

14. Once you've completed all of your schedule entries, click Save.

15. You will now see the schedule populate with the Regular Schedules icon for each day. The schedule will continue on indefinitely if you have not included an end date.

16. If you need to edit an existing scheduled day on your recurring template, you will click on the time block (in this case the actual blue block) to edit. We will discuss the Date Override feature in the next few steps, but keep in mind, if the day ALREADY has hours assigned to it for that clinic, you will want to click the time block to bring up the editing function and add / edit / delete from that menu.

17. To add time, click the + button or you can edit or delete the existing time blocks.

18. If you try to delete a time block with an existing appointment, you will get an error message.

19. To add a time block for Clinic B on a day that has time blocked for Clinic A only, click in the white space of the day to bring up the Date Override menu.

20. Date Override is best used for days that are blank and need a schedule added or days that have a schedule for one clinic but you need to also add a schedule for a different clinic. To add the schedule, double check the date and the clinic, then you can add your blocks of time and click Save.

21. To add scheduled hours to a day that is not part of any template, click into that date on the calendar to create a Date Override. Remember, since nothing exists on that day, you need to do a Date Override. Once you add time to that day, you will use the editing function to change that time block instead.

22. Your new Date Override will now show up with the Date Override icon.

23. If you want to add another template for the same clinic or a new template for a different clinic, click Add Templates.

24. Repeat the process for adding a new template. Be sure to change your clinic location if needed!

25. If you switch clinics, you will be asked to Confirm.

26. Once a template is added for a different clinic, you will see it populate. You can filter your calendar by clinic and template if you want a specific view.

27. If you need to make changes to an existing template, select it from the dropdown and click Edit Template. When you edit the template, you are editing the default values for as long as the template is active. As a reminder, if you want to just edit a single day, click on a time block within that day to adjust.

28. Inside the edit menu, you can change things like Repeat Until date or change your hours & days. Keep in mind, if there are existing appointments scheduled, you will not be able to remove that timeframe from the schedule unless any appointments are rescheduled first.

29. From inside the Edit Template menu, you can also check for Data Overrides listed under the Set Custom Hours action button. If you want to add additional date overrides,** click Set Custom Hours, and it brings up the Date Override box.

30. You can also rename your template by clicking the edit pen beside the name.

31. If you want to stop a template on a certain day, navigate to the Repeat Until field, and change it to your desired stop date. Please keep in mind, if you stop a template today, you cannot start a new template until tomorrow for those same times. The best course of action is to edit today's times to reflect what you want, then start the new recurring template beginning tomorrow. Once the template has ended, the name will disappear from the template drop down menu.

32. If you attempt to end a template with an existing appointment, you will see a Time Conflict pop up that indicates which dates have a conflicting appointment. Once those are moved off the schedule, you can delete it!

33. If you want to quickly review any custom hours and potentially delete them, click Delete Date Overrides.

34. Select the dates you wish to delete, and click Delete Schedule. If there is an existing appointment scheduled on that date, you will see an error message and will need to cancel it before deleting.

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