This guide is beneficial for individuals who want to track and monitor inventory activity in a detailed manner.
View Logs
Tip: Side note! This should only be used as a quick reference guide to see what has been added or removed in inventory!
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Inventory"
3. Click "Your Inventory"
4. Search or click on the inventory item
5. Click "Traceability"
6. Click "View Logs"
7. Choose the date range
8. Scroll down to view user activity
View Detailed Logs
Tip: Side note! This log is a more detailed view that shows the clinic, patient, date, action, beginning balance, units, change, new balance, and who is was done by!
9. Follow the same steps, but click "View Detailed Logs" instead of "View Logs"
10. In this section, you can also select the clinic, date range, and download to Excel.