By following this guide, users can effectively manage their inventory and receive alerts when stock levels are low.
Add Stock for Services
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Inventory"
3. Click "Your Inventory"
4. Select the inventory item
5. Click "Traceability"
6. Click "Options"
7. Click "View Batches"
8. Click "Add"
9. Enter the Expiration date, Batch id (Lot Number) Stock in Units, and your Cost to Company per unit
For Toxins, you will track the stock and Cost to Company per unit (stock in units)
For Fillers, you will track the stock and Cost to Company per syringe (stock in syringe)
10. Click "Save"
Tip: The Cost to Company in this section allows you to be very specific based off of that lot number
Example: You received complimentary or discounted product from a rep
Add Stock to an Existing Batch
11. Go to the "Inventory" tab, "Your Inventory", click on the inventory item, then click on "Traceability"
12. Find the batch number and Click "Options"
13. Click "Add"
14. Add the units and cost to company
15. Click "Add"
Add Stock for a Retail Item or Medical Supplies
16. Click "Your Inventory"
17. Click on the retail item or medical supply
18. Click "Traceability"
19. Toggle on "Stock and Inventory" and add stock
20. You can also set a stock alert and the system will notify you when you hit that amount!
Stock Alert for Product
21. Click the inventory item
22. Click "Traceability"
23. Click "Options"
24. Click "Edit Stock Alert"
25. Add the amount of units
26. Click "Update"
Tip: Once you hit this amount, you will be alerted with the bell icon at the top of the screen and sent an email.
27. To choose what day you would like to be alerted, go to the settings icon
28. Click "Stock Alert Emails"
29. From there, you can pick which days you would like to be alerted!