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Utilizing Patient Membership Reports

Navigate and manage the Membership Reports to understand membership activity and statuses for patients enrolled in your loyalty programs.

Updated yesterday

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of Aesthetic Record's Membership Reports, essential for understanding customer retention and revenue trends. We will walk through the three report types within the Business Insights section of your account.

1. Log into AR on the web. Let's first navigate to Business Insights > Sales > Payments & Liabilities > "Membership Dashboard"

2. In the Membership Dashboard, you can see an overview of membership activity for your enrolled patients. Utilize the download/export, filter, and date range tools for specific views you may be looking for.

New Members - This refers to the number of new members with an activation date that falls in the timeframe that you have selected.

Total Active Memberships - Based on your time selection, this tells you how many active memberships were enrolled during that time period.

Cancelled Memberships - Refers to the number of memberships cancelled during a specific time period.

Next Appt - Refers to the next upcoming appointment scheduled for a patient. This can be used to reach out to members and get them booked if they have not scheduled yet.

Length of Loyalty - This refers to the duration or period of time that someone remained in the membership. This can be used to give those members extra TLC for their loyalty to your clinic.

3. Head back to Business Insights > Sales > Payments & Liabilities > "Membership Churn Report" to view any churned memberships. These are fully inactive memberships in this report.

4. This report shows you the cancelled patient memberships. There are three reasons for churned/cancelled memberships:

Cancelled by Staff

  • Keep in mind, patients cannot cancel their own membership through their Patient Portal and will need to contact the practice if they wish to cancel their membership at any point.

Cancelled by Payment Decline

  • If a patient's card has insufficient funds or the card is no longer active, AR will try and process the payment a total of 3 times before automatically cancelling the membership.

Cancelled by Expiration Date

  • When a staff member cancels a membership for a patient, they can choose to either cancel the membership immediately, or they can choose to cancel the membership on the date of their next draw period.

  • If they choose to cancel the membership on the next draw date, it will funnel under the "Cancelled by Expiration Date" reason in this report.

5. Lastly, let's head through Business Insights > Sales > Payments & Liabilities > "Membership Decline Report".

6. This report shows members who are still in a membership but their credit card is actively declining. After 3 unsuccessful attempts of charging their card, the patient is removed from the membership and will end up in the churn report.

The Reason column in this report is a helpful tool for you to pinpoint why their card may be declining, and offer assistance to keep their enrollment in good standing.

Keep in mind, when a patient's membership churns or cancels, they will need to re-enroll from the start to rejoin their membership.

Check out our article below on enabling patient notifications for declining membership payments. This is a great tool to utilize, as it can help patients catch and update their card information before being removed from the membership altogether. Enable Decline SMS & Email Notifications for Patients

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