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Managing the Provider Dashboard View
Managing the Provider Dashboard View

The dashboard is designed to be intuitive and secure, ensuring you have constant access to your individual performance data as a Provider

Updated over 3 weeks ago

1. This dashboard empowers you with the transparency you need to track your performance and make informed decisions. As we continue to enhance this feature, we'll be adding more metrics based on provider feedback and needs.

The dashboard is designed to be intuitive and secure, ensuring you have constant access to your individual performance data while maintaining appropriate data separation within your practice.

**Accelerator Accounts Only

Utilizing the Provider Dashboard Views

2. From the web, head to Dashboard at the top. If you are both an Admin and a Provider, You will be able to toggle back and forth between the Practice and Provider Dashboards.

We will first walk through understanding the Provider Dashboard, and at the bottom of this article there will be more information on the Practice Dashboard.

3. If you do not have POS turned on in your account, both dashboards will only show information related to Booking Percentage, Rebooking Percentage, Chart Audits, and the Time Clock Feature, if in use.

4. From the Provider Dashboard View, you have the ability to view all widget information by the same date range at the top, or you will see where you can filter to different date ranges within each independent widget if needed.

  • Widgets will only include views for the clinics that a Provider is tied to through their profile.

5. Let's first look at Provider Revenue Per Hour, Provider Total Sales, Provider Net Sales, and Tips Collected widgets and how they are reflected from the Business Insights and reports section.

  • Provider Revenue Per Hour

    • Net Revenue per hour ➝ NR (Net Sales per Provider in BI > Sales) / Hours Worked

    • Gross Revenue per hour ➝ GR (Provider Total Sales from the BI > Sales > Total Sales) / Hours Worked

  • Provider Total Sales

    • Reflected amount from BI > Sales - Provider Total Sales report

  • Provider Net Sales

    • Reflected amount from BI > Sales > Provider Total Sales report

  • Tips Collected

    • Reflected amount from tips applied through invoices and shown through BI > Sales > Tips per provider report.

      • Ensure your providers have the setting turned on to accept tips by going to Settings > Teammates > Users > Edit their user profile.

6. Next, let's review Commission, Booking %, Rebooking %, and NPS metrics.

  • Commission

    • Reflects from BI > Sales > Commissions > Provider Commission amount

      • The Main Admin on the account can go to Settings > Report Settings > Payroll/Commission Reports to set the specific Commission formula needed for your account.

  • Booking %

    • Pulls from BI > Appointments > Booked Appointments report per provider> Occupied percent metrics

  • Rebooking %

    • Pulls from BI > Appointments > Rebooking Percentage Report

      • Keep in mind here, a patient must come in for an appointment and book another appointment within 12 hours of the start time of their current appointment, it counts as retained.

  • NPS

7. Lastly, we will look at Chart Audit, New/Returning Patients, most Used Inventory, and Time Card

  • Chart Audit

    • This widget pulls data from BI > Chart Audit. The Chart Audit date range in BI must match the Chart Audit date range in the Provider Dashboard view if you need to view matching metrics.

  • New/Returning Patients

    • This pulls from BI > Patients > New Patients + Returning Patients within the given time range selected within BI and the Provider Dashboard view.

  • Most Used Inventory

    • Displays the top 5 most used inventory items based on the highest quantity of a product used through charting procedures. Can be taken from BI > Inventory > Provider Inventory Usage

  • Time Card

8. As a reminder here, you will have the choice to choose to view widgets in the Provider Dashboard two ways:

  • All Clinics or by a specific clinic that you are tied to as the Provider

  • Filter the Date range by the entire dashboard at the top, or date range per widget

Marking Users as a Provider & Managing Provider Dashboard Privileges

10. Now let's look at enabling users to work as a provider, and managing their privileges and what they can see through their Provider Dashboard views.

Go to Settings in the upper right hand corner.

11. Locate the Teammates Tab, and click on Users to view your active users list for the account.

12. Locate the user you need to manage, and click Edit to the right.

13. Toward the bottom of their profile, you will see the option to toggle them on as a provider in the account. Enabling a user as a provider will allow you to create a provider schedule for them, assign them to the services they can perform, and pull the important Provider-related reports based on their Charts and metrics captured through procedures and checkout.

You can also revert this action, and toggle users off as a provider if ever needed. This will not mess with retroactive metrics captured prior to disabling them as a provider.

14. In the upper right hand corner, you have two important sections to look at:

  • Dashboard Access: when this is marked Yes, users will have the Dashboard tab at the top of their web browser. They will be able to see Practice/Provider Dashboard views, depending on the specific user privileges you have set for their visibility.

  • Manage Privileges: user-specific access and visibility to sections of the account, and we will look at this in the next step.

15. If you click on the Manage Privileges button in the upper right hand corner, you will see a block of permissions for those who are marked "work as a provider" that allows the admin to determine which widgets are available for the provider to choose from. This is helpful in case a Provider should not have access to all information displayed.

If you make changes from here, the user needs to log out and log back in for the privilege changes to update.

16. Alternatively, you can set up permissions based on role instead of specific users by going to Teammates > User Controls > Provider > adjust the Provider Dashboard Permissions at the bottom.


  • Updating permissions through the User Controls section will not change the role for any active users. This only applies to any future user added to the account.

  • You still need to ensure users have Dashboard Access marked Yes through their direct profile as well.

Practice Dashboard Views

17. We will briefly look at the Practice Dashboard now, and be sure to check out our learning articles specific to managing the Practice Dashboard below!

If you click on Dashboard at the top of the browser, you can view metrics for the entire account at a bird's eye perspective.

All active users and clinics will pull through here, allowing you to filter by different date ranges for each widget as you look at metrics.

18. If you click Add Widgets over to the right of the dashboard screen, you will be able to add or delete widgets that you want showing on the dashboard.

Furthermore, the Main Admin of the account can configure Dashboard Settings through Settings > Report Settings > Dashboard Settings. Configuring your dashboard settings allows you to also decide which types of user roles have access to which types of widgets from their own practice dashboard view.

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