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Understanding and Managing the Provider Revenue Per Hour Report
Understanding and Managing the Provider Revenue Per Hour Report

The guide is structured to be both informative for administrators and accessible for providers viewing their individual metrics.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

1. The Provider Revenue per Hour report is a crucial tool for assessing practice financial health. This guide will walk you through accessing, understanding, and utilizing this essential metric.

Tip! The Provider Revenue per Hour report also translates as a widget from the Dashboard, allowing you to see these important key metrics from your overall Dashboard if needed. Use the link here to view more on the Dashboard for Practice and Provider views:

**Accelerator Accounts Only

2. Navigate to the Business Insights section and click Staff on the left.

3. Click "Create report" to pull up the list of Staff-related reports you can generate here.

4. At the bottom of the list, you will see "Provider Revenue Per Hour" to select.

5. You can choose to view this report by all clinics, or a specific clinic within the account, as well as filter to a specific date range for the metrics you are trying to view.

When you have these fields selected, click Continue.

Providers only appear in clinics where they have logged hours using the Time Clock feature:

6. At the top of the page you will see a visual graph of the specific providers who have logged their working hours and have generated their revenue through invoices captured.

There are two colors represented

  • Orange is Net RPH (revenue per hour)

  • Blue is Gross RPH (revenue per hour)

If you have more than 4 providers, you will see the option to click to the next page and view another set of providers' RPH.

7. At the bottom, there is a detailed breakdown with more information explaining the locations of each provider on the graph.

In addition to each provider name, you see a column of data for the following:

  • Hours Worked in the Period (based on clocked in time from the Time Clock feature)

  • Gross Revenue in the Period

  • Net Revenue in the Period

  • Gross Revenue per Hour (GR/ Hours logged through Time Clock = GR per Hour)

  • Net Revenue per Hour (NR/ Hours logged through Time Clock= NR per Hour)

You do have the ability to manually adjust logged hours for providers if ever needed, which we will look at in the following steps. This will accurately update the Provider Revenue Per Hour Report shown here, if logged hours change within the date range chosen as you pulled the report.

8. In the upper right hand corner of the report, you can Download the report to Excel, Edit the original Clinic and Date fields, and you can Save the report to your AR account if you would like to refer back to it at a later date.

Managing Time Card for the Provider Revenue Per Hour Report

9. Beneath the Staff tab over to the left, you can click on Time Card to view details of the logged hours for Providers, and if you have the user privileges to do so, manually edit the logged hours if you need.

10. After clicking into the Time Cards, you will see logged hours for all users within the Date range showing in the upper left hand corner. If you need to view and edit hours for a specific provider on a more granular level, click View Details over to the right.

11. From here, you are able to view the recorded clocked-in hours by week with the ability to edit or delete the existing hours if needed. If you need to add an additional day of a Provider being clocked in and clocked out, use the Add Time button in the upper right hand corner.

Keep in mind utilizing this functionality is a user privilege and not all users will have the ability to do this. You can manage user privileges for access through settings > teammates > users > edit the user profile.

Why is this Report Helpful?

Monthly Review Process

  1. Review individual provider performance

  2. Compare trends across providers

  3. Analyze revenue patterns

  4. Identify areas for optimization

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Track month-over-month changes

  2. Compare against practice benchmarks

  3. Monitor seasonal variations

  4. Evaluate efficiency metrics

Troubleshooting and Common FAQs

  1. Missing or Inaccurate Data

    • Verify clock-in records through the Time Clock feature in AR.

    • Check date range selection when viewing the Provider Revenue Per Hour report if it does not look accurate.

    • Confirm provider status, provider clocked-in hours, and their profile.

  2. Calculation Discrepancies

    • Review hours worked and logged by providers through the Time Clock details in Business Insights

    • Verify revenue entries and make sure providers are correctly tied to invoices through the sales tab on the web. You can also update which user is tied to invoices through the sales tab, to keep your reports accurate.

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