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Dashboard Settings

The Dashboard allows you to see a quick glance of certain reports (such as Most Used Discount, Office Sales Goals, Net Sales by Provider.)

Updated over a week ago

Alert: Only the head admin on the account can manage the dashboard settings.

1. Log in to AR on the web. Click the settings gear.

2. On the left, click "Report Settings".

3. Click "Dashboard Settings"

4. Choose which Widgets you want your users to be able to add to their dashboard. You can enable for all, enable by role, enable for certain users, or lock for all.

5. Click "Dashboard" to now add the widgets to your dashboard.

6. Click "Add Widgets"

7. Select which widgets to add to your dashboard and click save.

8. Now you can see the widgets on your dashboard.

Tip: If your users still cannot access the dashboard, make sure you give them the privilege under User Settings.

Settings Gear> Teammates> Users> Edit> Yes next to Dashboard Settings

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