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Configure Patient Portal Email Settings & Resend The Invite Email to Patients
Configure Patient Portal Email Settings & Resend The Invite Email to Patients

Sending and resending the patient portal invite email to your patients

Updated over a week ago

The patient portal is where patients can view their upcoming and past appointment information, manage their personal details, complete paperwork for upcoming visits, and manage more for memberships, promotions, etc. Let's look at how you can ensure patient portal engagement on your end!


2. First, Head to the Appointments tab from the web.

3. From there, click on the Wrench icon and locate Smart Configuration. This will take you to your appointments-related settings.

4. Locate the Other Settings tab from the section within Smart Configuration.

5. Then Click on Patient Portal Access.

6. You will see some different sections that we will explain below:

First, "Total number of patients" refers to the total number of patient profiles you have in the system.

You can also see the total list under the Patients tab at the top of the browser.

7. "Patient portal is active" refers to the number of patients from your total list, who have successfully activated their patient portal already.

Patients usually activate their patient portal one of two ways:

  • Patients can activate their portal via an email invite upon booking an appointment.

  • Patients can create their patient portal first through your online booking link; this will also create them a profile in AR if one has not already been made with the same name and email address they provide.

8. "Patient portal inactive" is the number of patients from your total list, who have not activated their patient portal yet.

Remember, the patient portal is important for your patients to utilize, as they are able to complete required documents before a visit, see any promotions they may have in their patient wallet, schedule appointments, etc.

9. Before sending the invite email to patients, you will always want to make sure "Activation Email Enabled" is showing blue/ toggled on to successfully send the invite to patients.

10. Now let's look at the content of the invite email. You will see there is already a native template set up in your account for you. You can click Preview Email Template to see an example of how this will pull through to patients' inboxes when sent.

11. If you have a business logo set up in your account, your logo will auto-populate within the email. If you do not yet have a business logo, use this link for reference to get one set up:

Where you see bracketed words (also known as snippets, variables), is where the system will auto-populate the information when the email sends out. We recommend leaving the brackets alone, so that important information sends to patients correctly.

12. However, if you wish to add more verbiage and information, or edit any of the current verbiage, you can do so within the text box itself; you will also see a toolbar to further customize your edits as needed.

If you make any edits, be sure to click SAVE in the bottom right hand corner of the page before moving forward.

13. When you are ready to send the invite email to the patients who have not yet activated their portal, you can click the Activate Now button.

Before doing so, please make sure the following are complete:

  1. The "Activation Email Enabled" is toggled on and showing blue.

  2. You have uploaded your business logo, and saved any edits to the email content section.

14. Once the Activate Now button is clicked, you will need to confirm that you want to send the email to all of the patients who have not activated their portal yet.

This is a great tool to use to ensure all active patients in your system are able to view their information and complete paperwork as needed, prior to their visits with you. You will also see the numbers fluctuate over time, as more patients activate their portals.

Tip: Get into a habit of checking this page and resending the email on a monthly basis, so you can have better engagement with your patients!

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