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Patient Management
Patient Management

Managing Your Patients/Clients

18 articles
Patient Vitals: How to Configure Settings, Record Vitals & Create Progress Graphs on the Web / AppTrack Patient's GLP-1 weight loss transformation with vitals charting
Delete Multiple Patient Records on Web via Bulk Delete
Bulk Delete Leads from the Web
Create & Manage Sticky Notes
Import or Export Your Patient ListThis guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to import or export your patient list.
Change the Patient's Profile Photo
"Do Not Call" or "Fire This Client" via the Patient ProfileStep-by-step guide for using the Patient Profile feature on Aesthetic Record to mark a client as "Do Not Call" or "Fire This Client."
Merge Duplicate Patient ProfilesYou can merge a patien'ts multiple profiles to only one profile.
Review a Patient's Past and Upcoming AppointmentsBy following these instructions, users can easily access a patient's appointment history and upcoming schedule.
Documents File in the Patient's ProfileThe Document Repository will hold all signed consents, filled-out questionnaires, and past procedures.
Add, Edit, or Delete a Credit Card through the Patient ProfileThis guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add, edit, or delete a credit card from a patient's profile.
Create, Edit, or Delete a Patient ProfileThis guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create, edit, or delete a patient profile on the web and app.
Create a Treatment Plan Template and Add a Treatment Plan to the Patient's ProfileAdd a detailed plan for any patient with information about the goal of treatment and the expected length of treatment.
Export Patient Procedures and/or Photos Via the Web and AppThis guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to export patient procedures and/or photos via the web and the Aesthetic Record app.
Adding Before and After Videos to a Cosmetic ProcedureThis guide will show you how to add before and after videos to a cosmetic procedure.
Configure Patient Portal Email Settings & Resend The Invite Email to PatientsSending and resending the patient portal invite email to your patients
Booking HistoryThis feature allows you to view a full list of clients that have booked, canceled, no showed, rescheduled, and confirmed their appointments!
Filtering the Client ListThis feature enables you to filter and export your client list using advanced criteria tailored to your specific needs.