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Booking History

This feature allows you to view a full list of clients that have booked, canceled, no showed, rescheduled, and confirmed their appointments!

Updated over a month ago

1. Log into the web version of Aesthetic Record

2. Click Appointments

3. Click the Wrench Icon

4. Click Booking History

5. First, filter the date range- This will show the booking history in this timeframe!

This report will reflect each of the following below:

-Customer (patient) name

-Service Booked

-Service Duration


-Provider the appointment is scheduled with

-Date & Time of the appointment booked

-Booked by (this will show a user name if booked by the clinic and "customer" if booked by the patient through online booking)

-Action (cancelled, booked, rescheduled, deposit waived, etc)

-Done on (latest activity related to the appointment)

-Done by (if an appointment is cancelled, rescheduled, etc this will reflect who the appointment was updated by)

6. In the search bar, you can filter by customer, provider, or booked by to narrow down what you're looking for.

7. By clicking into the Filter by box, you can choose from booked, confirmed, unconfirmed, checked in, cancelled, rescheduled, or no show.

Example: This is a great way to view a full list of your patients that have cancelled their appointments this month. Then, you can reach out to them to get them rescheduled!

8. You can also choose to export as a CSV or to Excel if you would like to see it in a sheet format to print out or send to other employees.

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