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Choosing Payment Methods at Checkout

Helpful information about the different payment methods you can use through Aesthetic Record's checkout flow.

Updated today

Let's take a look at the different payment methods you can use when checking out through Aesthetic Record.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Before hitting Charge, Tender, or Use to record the payment, make sure all the details are correct and the discounts, points, and the tip are already added because once the payment is recorded, the only information you can change on the invoice is the employee's name.

  • You can split payments by editing the payment amount of one payment method and finish the payment using another method. You cannot split payments when using Text2Pay at this time.

Card Transaction

If you select Card as your payment method, this will prompt the use of a debit/credit card for transaction.

  • Manual Entry allows you to type in the card information and charge without a card present.

  • If a customer has their card information securely saved with a connected Link account, you can choose Link and this will charge them through their saved card within their Link portal.

  • Choosing the Swipe Card option will prompt you to use the Card Reader connected to your account and the device you are checking out with (Bluetooth or WiFi, depending on which you purchased through AR).

Make sure you have set up your card reader prior to checkout for the first time. You can use the links below for steps to set up both types of Stripe card reader.

Cash Transaction

The Cash option will record the payment through the Virtual Cash Drawer in AR.

Keep in mind, AR only records the invoice amount due, so if a customer hands you an amount that warrants change back you will need to calculate the amount of change to provide back to them. This action is not calculated or run through AR.

  • Split payment is an option here as well; let's say a customer wanted to pay half of their invoice via cash and the other via card. You can change the dollar amount in the "Payment Amount" section to the amount they wish to pay, and after you hit "Charge" you will be brought back to the payment method screen. Then, you can select the next payment type the customer wants to pay the remaining amount with.

    • Please note: the invoice will not record as fully collected/finalized in your Business Insights and reports until you have captured the full amount from the customer.

Refer to this article for information on managing the virtual cash drawer in AR:

AR Wallet

The AR Wallet option allows customers to use any dollar credits that are in their patient wallet towards their invoice total.

If the AR Wallet option says "Unavailable", this means the customer does not have any dollar credits in their wallet. If there is ever a situation where a customer should have dollar credits and they do not, you will want to save and back out of the invoice altogether, and go to their profile > patient wallet > and apply the dollar credit amount. Then, you can get back into the invoice and you will see the AR Wallet as an option to use.

The "Payment Amount" section reflects the invoice total amount, and the "Available Balance" section reflects the dollar credit value that the customer has in their wallet.

  • You can adjust the payment amount if the customer does not want to pay the full invoice using dollar credits, and if their dollar credit value is larger than the invoice total.

  • If the customer's invoice total is larger than the dollar credit value they have, after applying the dollar credit amount toward their invoice they will be prompted to pay the outstanding amount via another payment method.


Cherry allows patients to apply for and receive financing directly through the platform. They can be approved for a payment plan within seconds and then use that plan to pay for services at your practice.

In order to use Cherry as a payment method, please make sure the following steps have been taken

Once they have been approved for a spending balance through Cherry, you will see the option to select it as a payment method. If the invoice amount is larger than their approved balance, they will be prompted to pay the balance overages through a different payment method first, before transacting the rest through Cherry.


Klarna is an integration with Aesthetic Record, allowing flexible "buy now, pay later" payment options to patients. In order to use Klarna as a payment method at checkout you need to have it turned on inside of your AR account, and the paying customer needs to have an active Klarna account. If they do not have a Klarna account, they will receive a text with a prompt to set one up. This may take a few minutes, so if a Patient/customer is interested in using Klarna, ideally they can set it up prior to checkout!

CareCredit or GreenSky

If you choose to process through CareCredit or GreenSky, you will want to make sure both you and the patient/customer have active accounts through these portals as well.

The Enter a note about payment section is used to add any relevant details or context about the payment such as:

  • Approval number or transaction ID from CareCredit/GreenSky.

  • Any specific details about the CareCredit/GreenSky plan being used (e.g., the installment plan chosen).

  • Notes about payment timing or conditions, if relevant.

  • Any additional context that would help in reconciling the payment later.

Helpful tip: if you ever need to run a payment outside of AR (e.g., Venmo, Zelle) use CareCredit or GreenSky as a payment method, because you will still want to finalize the invoice through AR for accurate sales reports and metrics. This will prevent you from cashing out an invoice and inflating your virtual cash drawer amount if cash was not the form of payment.


If the customer is paying by check, select Check as the payment method. In the Check Number section, be sure to enter the exact number from the check provided by the customer. This ensures accurate reconciliation when depositing checks at the bank.

Helpful tip: If you need to process a payment outside of Aesthetic Record (e.g., via Venmo or Zelle), you can select Check as the payment method to finalize and record the transaction in AR. This works in addition to CareCredit or GreenSky.

eGift Card

This option is only for the eGift Cards sold through Aesthetic Record! If a customer has a physical gift card to use, do not select this option and instead have them swipe their gift card, or manually enter their gift card information through the Card payment method option.

There are two ways to locate the redemption code (eGift Card Number):

  1. If the customer can locate their eGift card through their email inbox, the redemption code is within the email.

  2. If the customer cannot locate their eGift Card through their inbox, you can locate this information within your AR account on the web through Business Insights > Sales > Payments & Liabilities > eGift Cards Revenue. From there you will be able to check their information and view the redemption code. You can also view the balance they have remaining, and if needed, resend the eGift Card to the email address tied to it.

If the invoice total is higher than the value on the eGift Card, the customer will be prompted to select another payment method for the remaining balance after the gift card is used.


Text2Pay is a feature that allows you to send payment requests directly to patients/customers via text message.

When selecting this option, confirm the proper phone number is listed where the Patient can receive a SMS notification, and click Charge.

  • Text2Pay is only available if the ENTIRE invoice amount is to be paid via this payment method. Patients cannot split payments between multiple payment types if they intend to use Text2Pay as an option.

  • Only Stripe accounts have access to Text2Pay at this time. We will launch this functionality with Clearent in the near future.

Please refer to this article for more information regarding Text2Pay:

Viewing Payment Method Reports in Business Insights

Be sure to refer to the Payment Methods report in your Business Insights section so you can reconcile and accurately track the money collected through each tender type!

You can view Full Payments and Partial Payments in this report by going to Business Insights through the web > Sales > Payments & Liabilities > Payment Methods.

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