1. Log into the App
2. Locate the patient profile and click directly on it
3. Scroll down, find the procedure you would like to add procedure notes to, and click "ADD NOTES"
4. Once you're in the notes section, you can free type the notes or use a Dot Phrase.
Tip: Tip! In order to utilize Dot Phrases, you will need to create them in the web first. Scroll down to step 10 for instructions!
5. To use a Dot Phrase, type "." and the list of Dot Phrases will pull up.
6. You can scroll the the list of Dot Phrases OR if you're looking for a specific one, start typing in the title.
Example: For the Toxin dot phrase, type ".toxin"
7. After selecting the Dot Phrase, the preconfigured note will pop up. Type into the note to add any specific notes about the client if needed. Then click "Save"
8. After creating the procedure note, it will now say "VIEW NOTES"
Edit, Delete, or View Note History
9. Select "VIEW NOTES" on the procedure
10. Find the note that you would like to edit, delete, or view note history. Click the 3 blue dots in the top right corner of the note.
How to Create Dot Phrases
11. Navigate to https://app.aestheticrecord.com/settings/profile
12. Click the settings icon
13. Click "Clinical Documentation"
14. Click "Dot Phrases"
15. Click "Add"
16. Type in the Dot Phrase and the Dot Phrase Title
17. Add the note that you normally use for this service!
18. Click "Save"
Tip: Once the Dot Phrase is saved, you will be able to use them in procedure notes on the app!