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Configure Document Expiration Settings for Account & Patients
Configure Document Expiration Settings for Account & Patients

Set document expiration dates for your Patient Files

Updated over a week ago

Document Expiration Dates assist you with staying compliant with your state laws & also serve as a great reminder when it's time to refresh a document. If you are required to perform a GFE or get a new consent 1x per year, this is a great way to flag those dates. Additionally, if you run a membership program and wish to have clients resign their agreement 1x per year, you can also this feature to flag those agreements!

Configure Account-level Document Expiration Settings

1. You will configure your document expiration settings in your AR web dashboard

2. Click on the Settings Wheel

3. Click Clinical Documentation

4. Click Document Expiration

5. All Document Expiration timers have a default setting of N/A. In order to create an expiration date for a specific type of document, click on the Edit button.

6. This will open a text box where you can set your expiration date using days (i.e. for 1 year, type 365 days)

7. Once you'd finished, click Save. This means any consent added today and after will have a default expiration of 1 year from the date of creation.

8. You may also choose to use shorter / longer lengths of time. Just remember to enter the information using days!

Viewing Document Expiration Dates on the Patient Timeline via Web

9. In the event a Patient has an expiring document in the next 30 days, you will see a red stopwatch icon to let you know.

10. If you happen to miss the icon, once the Patient hits that 30 day window, a sticky note will appear on their timeline - both on web and iOS.

11. To see the expiring documents, click More Info > Documents to go to the Document Repository.

12. When a document is expiring in the next 30 days, it will show the same red stop watch icon under Actions.

13. If a document has expired, it will have a grey stripe overlayed in addition to the red stop watch icon.

Viewing Document Expiration Dates on the iOS Provider App

14. On the iOS Provider app, you will see the same red stop watch icon when a document is expiring. This is picture view, but compact view includes it as well.

15. Just like on the web, if a document is nearing expiration, you will see the red stop watch icon, and if a document has expired, you will see the grey shading overlayed.

Changing Document Expiration Dates for a Single Document

16. Web: Now that you've set your account-level expiration dates, those will appear by default for any new paperwork. However, you may want to go back and update some existing expiration dates or just change from the default for a given patient.

You can easily change the date of a non-expiring or non-expired document as well as those that have expired or will expire. Start by clicking on the stop watch icon to start.

17. Web: Across the top of the dialogue box is the current expiration date. In this case, one is not set because this document was either added prior to configuring our settings or it was left as N/A. You have key action buttons to quickly assign expiration dates in this case:

  • Choose Expiration will allow you to select from a few hot buttons

  • Remove Expiration is currently greyed out because there is no expiration date to remove quite yet.

18. Once you click Choose Expiration, a dropdown appears with quick buttons for standard time domains, plus an option for a Custom date.

19. Choose your quick button, and click Confirm.

20. Once you save, you will see the Expiration Date has been updated on the Patient's document entry.

21. Once you or any staff member has updated an expiration date, you will see a logged entry.

22. If the document has an existing expiration date, and a default option has been set for that type of document, you will see some extra options.

  • The document expiration date is populated across the top

  • You have a quick button to set the default at 1 year from the upload date

  • You can use the same Choose Expiration as before, however now you have the option to Remove Expiration since there is currently one in place.

23. If you want to forgo the quick buttons and settle on a custom expiration date, click Custom.

24. Choose your new date.

25. Click Confirm.

26. Once again, the record has been updated to reflect the last change to the expiration date.

27. iOS: The same step applies to view the expiration dates on iOS. Click on the red or blue stop watch icon. Once inside, the menu options vary slightly. To change an expiration date, click inside the text box under Currently Set To.

28. In lieu of the quick buttons from the web, you will see a date picker. Scroll until you find the preferred date, and click Done > Confirm.

29. You will be returned to the Document Repository where you can check the newly changed expiration date.

Tip: Remember that although you set your default expirations for the first time today, those dates will not start to apply until new documents are added. If you want to go back in and set expiration dates for a particular patient, you will need to use the individual patient method referenced above.

Creating a Report for Expiring Documents

2. Head to the Business Insights tab at the top to access your reports section.

3. Click on the Patients/Clients section to the left.

4. Locate the Create Report tab to pull up the list of different patient reports you can create.

If you have created and saved any reports previously, you will see them listed here as well.

5. At the bottom of the list, you will see the Documents Expiration report option to choose.

6. Based on the filters you select next, you will be able to look for specific document types with upcoming expiration.

Under the Date section, you can choose from a range of preset dates, or you can use Custom Period if you need to select a different date range altogether.

7. On the Document Type dropdown, you can select all documents if you want to see every upcoming document expiration compiled together, or you can select a specific type from the list.

8. Refer to the previous sections in this article above, if you need a reminder on how to set and manage expiration dates for each document type in your account.

9. Next, be sure to save your selected filters to see the reflected report you are looking for.

10. Use each column type to help you see specific details related to each line item in the report.

Tip: Column "Type" refers to the type of documentation (questionnaire, consent, procedure, etc.)

To the left of this column, Column "Document" is referring to the specific name of the document (Spa Facial Questionnaire, Botulinum Toxin Consent, etc.)

12. The Expiration Date column will give you the date of when the document is expiring for the Patient.

Keep in mind, if a patient has multiple documents expiring within the filters you applied, their name will show as a different line item for each document type and when it will expire.

13. The Upcoming Appointment column to the far right, will reflect if the patient has their next appointment scheduled with you, and will show the date of their upcoming appointment if so.

Tip: This is a great tool to use as well for seeing which patients have secured their next visit or not, so you can get them on the books, and know which paperwork they are required to complete upon arrival.

14. You always have the option to save a report if you wish to use it for reference and come back to.

15. When you click Save Report, you will be prompted to give it a title (the more detailed here the better) making it easier to differentiate each of your saved report types later on.

16. After saving your report, you can see it at the bottom of the list of any previous reports you may have created/saved. This is by default, however you can use the three dots over to the left of each report, and click + drag to reorder if needed.

You will also see the option to Edit a report if you need to adjust the date range and filter types, and if you no longer need a report saved, you can use the Delete Option (to be safe, if you plan to delete a saved report from AR, we recommend exporting it first, so that it is not lost forever!)

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